Pioneer students who participated in the summer reading program enjoyed getting to meet and learn about Astro the miniature horse. The students had to read for at least 15 minutes a day for 30 days this summer to earn this reward! There were several other levels that the students could complete and earn. Those that completed the entire challenge will be receiving the grand prize of a special field trip that will be happening later this month. Way to go, Pioneer Kiddos!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Due to lingering supply chain issues, we have 2 menu changes. Wednesday, September 6 Italian Combo has been downgraded to mozzarella cheese sticks only. Monday, September 11 Pizza bagels are not available. It will be a hodgepodge of pizza. Thank you for understanding!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Menu change
Mrs. Thomas's 5th grade did a science lab to show the relationship with the revolution of the Earth around the sun to show the Earth’s tilt on its axis and show when seasons happen in each hemisphere!! Here are a few examples. Great job!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Don't forget tomorrow is PES picture day!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Picture day
Don't forget tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Please see the attached pictures from Mr. Quillen regarding elearning at PES this year. The second is the same information in Spanish. Thank you!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
PES Keys to Elearning
PES Keys to Elearning - Spanish version
PES September menu
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
sept 2023
Don't forget tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday! School begins at 8:30.
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
One thing we love to do at PES is celebrate the positive things happening at our school! Here are some highlights from week 1!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Don't forget tomorrow is our first Late Start Wednesday of the school year! Classes begin at 8:30.
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Late start
Welcome back Panthers! First day of school 2023!
9 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
First day park
First day balloons
First day
Here are the diagrams for our car rider pick up and drop off procedures.
9 months ago, Pat Quillen
Car Rider Procedure
Information from Nurse Shedron on the Mobile Dentist opportunity August 21
10 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Mobile Dentist
We hope to see you Monday!
10 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Meet the Teacher
From Mr. Quillen: Parents, please hold off from checking class/teacher assignments until Monday. We are updating lists in PowerSchool this week and some changes have occurred. We really appreciate your patience as we switch over to PowerSchool.
10 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Parents, please hold off from checking class/teacher assignments until Monday. We are updating lists in PowerSchool this week and some changes have occurred. We really appreciate your patience as we switch over to PowerSchool.
10 months ago, Pat Quillen
First day of school is almost it's time for August 2023 Menus!
10 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
PES 8/23 menu
Updated supply lists for 2023-2024 at PES!
10 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School
Supply List
Back to School Night for Pioneer Elementary will be Monday, August 7. PreK 5:00-6:30pm K-6 5:30-6:30pm
10 months ago, Pat Quillen
PES parents: if you are new to Pioneer, PreK, or K, the login information email for PowerSchool has not gone out yet. Please be patient with us. We hope to have it out in another day or so.
10 months ago, Pioneer Elementary School